CA Lockdown – Day 10

I’m feeling pretty restless today. Even the cats seem anxious. Pina’s going stir crazy. Marty’s feeling cabin fever as am I. All my yoga, healthy eating and meditation are barely cutting it. Am lusting for my own swimming pool. With all the gyms shut...

CA Lockdown – Day 9

It’s a Techie Day today. This morning we have a special guest join our Saturday MASA (Media Arts Santa Ana) MILPA (Millennial Producers Academy) class. Sean Glumace from 2CPR Group is doing a workshop on Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Spark and other free...

CA Lockdown – Day 8

It’s all about the masks today. Unbelievably, the First World fiasco we’ve been living has capsized. Our illusion of privilege has been pierced by harsh reality. Our hospitals and health care workers have no PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or masks! As...

CA Lockdown – Day 6

We have Gabriel Figueroa skies today. This cinema master defined the look of the Mexican Golden Age. His dramatic skies and enviable cloud porn were achieved with a polarizing red lens filter. The man’s depth of field was nothing short of magical....

CA Lockdown – Day 5

Today was about managing the Theater of Terror. There was this huge spectacle on the news about some wealthy OC man with COVID-19 who had himself flown back home from Aruba. This guy just got back from a holiday in Egypt with his wife and wasn’t feeling well,...