CA Lockdown – Day 18

Buying groceries during a pandemic is a complicated affair. It’s super stressful to suit up like an astronaut and go out to an actual store, so we’ve been looking into delivery options. At first we thought that Amazon Prime would come thru but they are...

CA Lockdown – Day 14

Who knew Quarantine Life would be so intense? There’s so much to do! A year ago Payan and I won the prestigious Creative Capital art award & fellowship. As a result, these past 12 months have been a whirlwind of travel and expansion of our creative practice....

CA Lockdown – Day 11

I have Plague Poetry on my mind. This morning I read an article about folks that are fleeing metropolitan centers to gypsy around in vans: This reminds me of the 14th century...

CA Lockdown – Day 10

I’m feeling pretty restless today. Even the cats seem anxious. Pina’s going stir crazy. Marty’s feeling cabin fever as am I. All my yoga, healthy eating and meditation are barely cutting it. Am lusting for my own swimming pool. With all the gyms shut...

CA Lockdown – Day 6

We have Gabriel Figueroa skies today. This cinema master defined the look of the Mexican Golden Age. His dramatic skies and enviable cloud porn were achieved with a polarizing red lens filter. The man’s depth of field was nothing short of magical....