I’m dreaming of a Gothic Garden. Black flowers only.

Our cloudy skies are seeding dreams of dark and velvety blossoms. My inner goth is pining for a pretty spot to brood.

The internet picked up on my dark desire and sent me this lovely Twitter thread on the topic of black flowers. What synchronicity!

I’ve recreated the thread here for our pleasure:

Black Persian Lilies

Black Wizard Lily

Onyx Odyssey Black Hellebore

Black Star Calla Lilies

Black Baccara Roses

Queen of the Night Tulip

Black Beauty Tulips

Raven Girl Iris

Black Iris

Black HollyHock

Black Burgundy Dahlias

Debonair Black Cherry Petunias

Black Velvet Petunias

Black Cherry Petunias

Black Cosmos that smell like Chocolate

Jack In The Pulpit

I’m OBSESSED with the idea of a Gothic Garden. My grandmother’s rose garden has mostly died off and left the perfect spot to cultivate these dark beauties.

After I get my Victory Garden producing, I’m going to start sourcing these exotic flowers. In the meantime, enjoy this fun little film about Gothic Ladies, old and new.

Sweet Goth kisses!